An article by Dr. Diel et al. has been published in Frontiers in Psychology

An article by Drs. Diel and Minato (Interactive Robot Research Team) and Drs. Sato and Hsu (Psychological Process Research Team) has been published in Frontiers in Psychology.
This study investigated the relationship between humanness and uncanniness (the so-called uncanny valley) in the facial expressions of androids, computer graphics, and humans.
Details are as follows.

Diel, A., Sato, W., Hsu, C.-T., & Minato, T. (2023). The inversion effect on the cubic humanness-uncanniness relation in humanlike agents. Frontiers in Psychology, 14, 1222279.

The inversion effect on the cubic humanness-uncanniness relation in humanlike agents(Frontiers)
