[GRP Open Seminar] Prof. Ikuhisa Mitsugami (Hiroshima City University)

Prof. Ikuhisa Mitsugami, professor at Hiroshima City University, gave a lecture at GRP Open Seminar.
The title and abstract are as follows.

Title Person Behavior Analysis for Estimating Human Mind
Abstract Recognition of directly visible objects, such as object recognition and face recognition, is achieving performance equal to or better than that of humans. However, the technology for estimating ("perceiving") a person's internal states, such as intentions, emotions, and mental health, is still in its infancy. We are developing a technology for estimating people's internal states, such as their intentions, emotions, and mental health, by measuring people's movements and estimating their line of sight based on CV technology, and by presenting information and creating scenes by using VR. We are working on research to realize this internal state estimation by measuring people's movements and estimating their gaze based on CV technology, and by presenting information and creating scenes using VR.In this presentation, we will give an overview of our research.
