“LLM and Human Memory” mini workshop

“LLM and Human Memory” mini workshop
August 28, 2023
Session 1
Characteristics of Human Memory: Forgetting and Falsehood
Prof. Satoru Saito
Graduate School of Education, Kyoto University
Session 2
Findings from the Deese-Roediger-McDermott (DRM) Paradigm: The Semantic Influence on Memory and Reconstructive Nature of Memory
Assistant Prof. Sho Ishiguro
Graduate School of Education, Kyoto University
The Contribution of Context to Free Recall in Human
Researcher. Satoru Nishiyama
Graduate School of Education, Kyoto University
Session 3
Development and Challenges of a Long-Term Forgetful Memory for a Guardian Robot
Angel Garcia Contreras
Postdoctoral Researcher, Knowledge Acquisition and Dialogue, GRP, RIKEN Research Team
Session 4
Recalling and Deepening Knowledge from Experiences in Dialogue Robot
Koichiro Yoshino
Team Leader, Knowledge Acquisition and Dialogue, GRP, RIKEN
Session 5
