


  • 実験心理学
  • 基盤/社会脳科学
  • 知能ロボティクス
  • 感情
  • 表情
  • 社会的相互作用
  • ヒューマンロボットインタラクション
  • 脳画像
  • 心の計算論的解明と情報系研究者との協働によるロボット認知機能の実現
  • ロボットの動作言動に対する心理学的評価と改善案の提案
  • 心理学と情報学の境界領域、特に感情コミュニケーションに関する学際的研究の推進

佐藤 弥

佐藤 弥






Chun-Ting Hsu
下川 航
難波 修史
宇佐美 勝
川村 直也
崎山 めぐみ
Dongsheng Yang
Budu Tang
Anna Kelbakh


齊藤 章江
難波 紗央里
加藤 礼奈
Zhang Junyao



(Sato, Murata, Uraoka, Shibata, Yoshikawa, & Furuta: Sci Rep)








(Hsu, Sato, & Yoshikawa: Sci Rep)







  1. Nomiya, H., Shimokawa, K., Namba, S., Osumi, M., & Sato, W. (2025). An artificial intelligence model for sensing affective valence and arousal from facial images. Sensors, 25, 1188.
  2. Diel, A., Sato, W., Hsu, C.-T., Bäuerle, A., Teufel, M., & Minato, T. (2025). An android can show the facial expressions of complex emotions. Scientific Reports, 15, 2433.
  3. Sato, W., Shimokawa, K., Uono, S., & Minato, T. (2024). Mentalistic attention orienting triggered by android eyes. Scientific Reports, 14, 23143.
  4. Sato, W., & Saito, A. (2024). Weak subjective–facial coherence as a possible emotional coping in older adults. Frontiers in Psychology, 15, 1417609.
  5. Namba, S., Sato, W., Namba, S., Diel, A., Ishi, C., & Minato, T. (in press). How an android expresses “now loading…”: Examining the properties of thinking faces. International Journal of Social Robotics.
  6. Zhang, J., Sato, W., Kawamura, N., Shimokawa, K., Tang, B., & Nakamura, Y. (2024). Sensing emotional valence and arousal dynamics through automated facial action unit analysis. Scientific Reports, 14, 19563.
  7. Sato, W. (2024). Advancements in sensors and analyses for emotion sensing. Sensors, 24, 4166.
  8. Namba, S., Saito, A., & Sato, W. (2024). Computational analysis of value learning and value-driven detection of neutral faces by young and older adults. Frontiers in Psychology, 15, 1281857.
  9. Kawamura, N., Sato, W., Shimokawa, K., Fujita, T., & Kawanishi, Y. (2024). Machine learning-based interpretable modeling for subjective emotional dynamics sensing using facial EMG. Sensors, 24, 1536.
  10. Sato, W., Usui, N., Kondo, A., Kubota, Y., Toichi, M., & Inoue, Y. (2024). Impairment of unconscious emotional processing after unilateral medial temporal structure resection. Scientific Reports, 14, 4269.
  11. Ishikura, T., Sato, W., Takamatsu, J., Yuguchi, A., Cho, S.-G., Ding, M., Yoshikawa, S., & Ogasawara, T. (2024). Delivery of pleasant stroke touch via robot in older adults. Frontiers in Psychology, 14, 1292178.
  12. Schiller, D. et al. (2024). The Human Affectome. Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews, 158, 105450.
  13. Huggins, C. F., Williams, J. H. G., & Sato, W. (2023). Cross-cultural differences in self-reported and behavioural emotional self-awareness between Japan and the UK. BMC Research Notes, 16, 380.
  14. Namba, S., Sato, W., Namba, S., Nomiya, H., Shimokawa, K., & Osumi, M. (2023). Development of the RIKEN database for dynamic facial expressions with multiple angles. Scientific Reports, 13, 21785.
  15. Diel, A., Sato, W., Hsu, C.-T., & Minato, T. (2023). Asynchrony enhances uncanniness in human, android, and virtual dynamic facial expressions. BMC Research Notes, 16, 368.
  16. Sato, W., & Yoshikawa, S. (2023). Influence of stimulus manipulation on conscious awareness of emotional facial expressions in the match-to-sample paradigm. Scientific Reports, 13, 20727.
  17. Hsu, C.-T., & Sato, W. (2023). Electromyographic validation of spontaneous facial mimicry detection using automated facial action coding. Sensors, 23, 9076.
  18. Saito, A., Sato, W., & Yoshikawa, S. (2023). Sex differences in the rapid detection of neutral faces associated with emotional value. Biology of Sex Differences, 14, 84.
  19. Saito, A., Sato, W., & Yoshikawa, S. (2023). Autistic traits modulate the rapid detection of punishment-associated neutral faces. Frontiers in Psychology, 14, 1284739.
  20. Diel, A., Sato, W., Hsu, C.-T., & Minato, T. (2023). Differences in configural processing for human vs. android dynamic facial expressions. Scientific Reports, 13, 16952.
  21. Hsu, C.-T., Sato, W., & Yoshikawa, S. (2024). An investigation of the modulatory effects of empathic and autistic traits on emotional and facial motor responses during live social interactions. PLoS One, 19, e0290765.
  22. Saito, A., Sato, W., & Yoshikawa, S. (2024). Altered emotional mind-body coherence in older adults. Emotion, 24, 15-26.
  23. 佐藤弥・神原誠之 (2023). ロボットによる社会的アロスタシスの調節. BRAIN and NERVE, 75, 1219-1222.
  24. Diel, A., Sato, W., Hsu, C.-T., & Minato, T. (2023). The inversion effect on the cubic humanness-uncanniness relation in humanlike agents. Frontiers in Psychology, 14, 1222279.
  25. Sato, W., Nakazawa, A., Yoshikawa, S., Kochiyama, T., Honda, M., & Gineste, Y. (2023). Behavioral and neural underpinnings of empathic characteristics in a Humanitude-care expert. Frontiers in Medicine, 10, 1059203.
  26. Sato, W., & Kochiyama, T. (2023). Crosstalk in facial EMG and its reduction using ICA. Sensors, 23, 2720.
  27. Sato, W.*, Kochiyama, T.*, & Yoshikawa, S. (* equal contributors) (2023). The widespread action observation/execution matching system for facial expression processing. Human Brain Mapping, 44, 3057-3071.
  28. Ishikura, T., Yuki, K., Sato, W., Takamatsu, J., Yuguchi, A., Cho, S. G.. Ding, M., Yoshikawa, S., & Ogasawara, T. (2023). Pleasant stroke touch on human back by a human and a robot. Sensors, 23, 1136.
  29. 佐藤弥 (2023). 食の感情センシング. 電子情報通信学会技術研究報告, 2023-CVIM-232, 1-5.
  30. Sato, W. (2023). The neurocognitive mechanisms of unconscious emotional responses. In: Boggio, P. S., Wingenbach, T. S. H., da Silveira Coelho, M. L., Comfort, W. E., Marques, L. M., & Alves, M. V. C. (eds.). Social and affective neuroscience of everyday human interaction: From theory to methodology. Springer. pp. 23-36.
  31. Yang, D., Sato, W., Liu, Q., Minato, T., Namba, S., & Nishida, S. (2022). Optimizing facial expressions of an android robot effectively: A Bayesian optimization approach. 2022 IEEE-RAS 21st International Conference on Humanoid Robots (Humanoids), 542-549.
  32. 山内翔太郎・澤邊太志・佐藤弥・藤本雄一郎・神原誠之・加藤博一 (2022). 人の 「話しながらなでる」 動作の解析に基づくロボットによるタッチケアの評価. 電子情報通信学会技術研究報告, 122, 18-22.
  33. Saito, A., Sato, W., Ikegami, A., Ishihara, S., Nakauma, M., Funami, T., Fushiki, T., & Yoshikawa, S. (2022). Subjective-physiological coherence during food consumption in older adults. Nutrients, 14, 4736.
  34. Sato, W., Uono, S., & Kochiyama, T. (2022). Neurocognitive mechanisms underlying social atypicalities in autism: Weak amygdala's emotional modulation hypothesis. In: Halayem, S., Amado, I. R., Bouden, A., & Leventhal, B. (eds.). Advances in social cognition assessment and intervention in autism spectrum disorder. Frontiers Media. pp. 32-40.
  35. Hsu, C.-T., Sato, W., Kochiyama, T., Nakai, R., Asano, K., Abe, N., & Yoshikawa, S. (2022). Enhanced mirror neuron network activity and effective connectivity during live interaction among female subjects.Neuroimage, 263, 119655.
  36. Sato, W., & Kochiyama, T. (2022). Exploration of emotion dynamics sensing using trapezius EMG and fingertip temperature. Sensors, 22, 6553.
  37. Sawada, R., Sato, W., Nakashima, R., & Kumada, T. (2022). How are emotional facial expressions detected rapidly and accurately? A diffusion model analysis. Cognition, 229, 105235.
  38. Namba, S., Sato, W., Nakamura, K., & Watanabe, K. (2022). Computational process of sharing emotion: An authentic information perspective. Frontiers in Psychology, 13, 849499.
  39. Sawabe, T., Honda, S., Sato, W., Ishikura, T., Kanbara, M., Yoshikawa, S., Fujimoto, Y., & Kato, H. (2022). Robot touch with speech boosts positive emotions. Scientific Reports, 12, 6884.
  40. Namba, S., Sato, W., & Matsui, H. (in press). Spatio-temporal properties of amused, embarrassed and pained smiles. Journal of Nonverbal Behavior.
  41. 魚野翔太・佐藤弥 (2022). 自閉スペクトラム症における表情認知の障害と表情 表出の特異性. 脳神経内科, 97, 31-37.
  42. Saito, A., Sato, W., & Yoshikawa, S.(2022). Rapid detection of neutral faces associated with emotional value among older adults. Journal of Gerontology: Psychological Sciences, 77, 1219-1228.
  43. Sato, W., Namba, S., Yang, D., Nishida, S., Ishi, C., & Minato, T.(2022). An android for emotional interaction: Spatiotemporal validation of its facial expressions. Frontiers in Psychology, 12, 800657.
  44. Uono, S., Sato, W., Kochiyama, T., Yoshimura, S., Sawada, R., Kubota, Y., Sakihama, M., & Toichi, M.(2022). The structural neural correlates of atypical facial expression recognition in autism spectrum disorder. Brain Imaging and Behavior, 16, 1428-1440.
  45. Saito, A., Sato, W., & Yoshikawa, S.(2022). Rapid detection of neutral faces associated with emotional value. Cognition and Emotion, 36, 546-559.
  46. 浦岡泰之・吉田康紀・村田耕一・木瀬香保利・北河茜・冨田定・古田雅史・務中達也・岡田志麻・佐藤弥 (2021). マルチデバイス生体計測システムHuME(Human Metrics Explorer)TMの開発と応用. 島津評論, 78, 245-254.
  47. Sato, W., Ikegami, A., Ishihara, S., Nakauma, M., Funami, T., Yoshikawa, S., & Fushiki, T.(2021). Brow and masticatory muscle activity senses subjective hedonic experiences during food consumption. Nutrients, 13, 4216.
  48. Namba, S., Sato, W., & Yoshikawa, S.(2021). Viewpoint robustness of automated facial action unit detection systems. Applied Sciences, 11, 11171.
  49. Sato, W.(2021). Color's indispensable role in the rapid detection of food. Frontiers in Psychology, 12, 753654.
  50. Uono, S., Sato, W., Sawada, R., Kawakami, S., Yoshimura, S., & Toichi, M.(2021). Schizotypy is associated with difficulties detecting emotional facial expressions. Royal Society Open Science, 8, 211322.
  51. Sato, W., Usui, N., Sawada, R., Kondo, A., Toichi, M., & Inoue, Y. (2021). Impairment of emotional expression detection after unilateral medial temporal structure resection. Scientific Reports, 11, 20617.
  52. Huggins, C., Cameron, I.M., Scott, N.W., Williams, J.H., Yoshikawa, S., & Sato, W. (2021). Cross-cultural differences and psychometric properties of the Japanese Actions and Feelings Questionnaire (J-AFQ). Frontiers in Psychology, 12, 722108.
  53. Namba, S., Sato, W., Osumi, M., & Shimokawa, K. (2021). Assessing automated facial action unit detection systems for analyzing cross-domain facial expression databases. Sensors, 21, 4222.
  54. Zickfeld, J.H., van de Ven, N., Pich, O., Schubert, T.W., Berkessel, J.B., Pizarro, J.J., Bhushan, B., Mateo, N.J., Barbosa, S., Sharman, L., K ökönyei, G., Schrover, E., Kardum, I., Aruta, J.J.B., Lazarevic, L.B., Escobar, M.J., Stadel, M., Arriaga, P., Dodaj, A., Shankland, R., Majeed, N.M., Li, Y., Lekkou, E., Hartanto, A., Özdoğru, A.A., Vaughn, L.A., Espinozay, M.C., Caballero, A., Kolen, A., Karsten, J., Manley, H., Maeura, N., Eşkisu, M., Shani, Y., Chittham, P., Ferreira, D., Bavolar, J., Konova, I., Sato, W., Morvinski, C., Carrera, P., Villar, S., Ibanez, A., Hareli, S., Garcia, A.M., Kremer, I., Götz, F.M., Schwerdtfeger, A., Estrada-Mejia, C., Nakayama, M., Ng, W.Q., Sesar, K., Orjiakor, C., Dumont, K., Allred, T.B., Gračanin, A., Rentfrow, P.J., Sch önefeld, V., Vally, Z., Barzykowski, K., Peltola, H.R., Tcherkassof, A., Haque, S., Śmieja, M., Su-May, T.T., IJzerman, H., Vatakis, A., Ong, C.W., Choi, E., Schorch, S.L., Páez, D., Malik, S., Kačmár, P., Bobowik, M., Jose, P., Vuoskoski, J., Basabe, N., Doğan, U., Ebert, T., Uchida, Y., Zheng, M.X., Mefoh, P., Šebeňa, R., Stanke, F.A., Ballada, C.J., Blaut, A., Wu, Y., Daniels, J.K., Kocsel, N., Burak, E.G.D., Balt, N.F., Vanman, E., Stewart, S.L.K., Verschuere, B., Sikka, P., Boudesseul, J., Martins, D., Nussinson, R., Ito, K., Mentser, S., Çolak, T.S., Martinez-Zelaya, C., & Vingerhoets, A. (2021). Tears evoke the intention to offer social support: A systematic investigation of the interpersonal effects of emotional crying across 41 countries. Journal of Experiment Social Psychology, 95, 104137.
  55. Nishimura, S., Nakamura, T., Sato, W., Kanbara, M., Fujimoto, Y., Kato, H., & Hagita, N. (2021). Vocal synchrony of robots boosts positive affective empathy. Applied Sciences, 11, 2502.
  56. Sato, W., Murata, K., Uraoka, Y., Shibata, K., Yoshikawa, S., & Furuta, M. (2021). Emotional valence sensing using a wearable facial EMG device. Scientific Reports, 11, 5757.
  57. 斉藤章江・佐藤弥 (2021). 高齢者の表情処理. エモーション・スタディーズ, 6, 44-49.
  58. Sato, W., Yoshikawa, S., & Fushiki, T. (2021). Facial EMG activity is associated with hedonic experiences but not nutritional values while viewing food images. Nutrients, 13, 11.
  59. Nishimura, S., Kimata, D., Sato, W., Kanbara, M., Fujimoto, Y., Kato, H., & Hagita, N. (2020). Positive emotion amplification by representing excitement scene with TV chat agents. Sensors, 20, 7330.
  60. Sato, W., Kochiyama, T., & Yoshikawa, S. (2020). Physiological correlates of subjective emotional valence and arousal dynamics while viewing films. Biological Psychology, 157, 107974.
  61. Sato, W., Rymarczyk, K., Minemoto, K., & Hyniewska, S. (2020). Cultural differences in food detection. Scientific Reports, 10, 17285.
  62. Hsu, C.-T., Sato, W., & Yoshikawa, S.(2020). Enhanced emotional and motor responses to live vs.videotaped dynamic facial expressions. Scientific Reports, 10, 16825.
  63. 佐藤弥 (2020). 表情処理の神経時空間ダイナミクスの探究. 基礎心理学研究, 39, 92-95.
  64. Sato, W., Uono, S., & Kochiyama, T. (2020). Neurocognitive mechanisms underlying social atypicalities in autism: Weak amygdala’s emotional modulation hypothesis. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 11, 864.
  65. Sato, W. (2020). Association between dieting failure and unconscious hedonic responses to food. Frontiers in Psychology, 11, 2089.
  66. Sato, W., Minemoto, K., Sawada, R., Miyazaki, Y., & Fushiki, T. (2020). Image database of Japanese food samples with nutrition information. PeerJ, 8, e9206.
  67. Sato, W., Minemoto, K., Ikegami, A., Nakauma, M., Funami, T., & Fushiki, T. (2020). Facial EMG correlates of subjective hedonic responses during food consumption. Nutrients, 12, 1174.
  68. Saito, A., Sato, W., & Yoshikawa, S. (2020). Older adults detect happy facial expressions less rapidly. Royal Society Open Science, 7, 191715.
  69. Williams, J., Huggins, C., Zupan, B., Willis, M., Van Rheenen, T., Sato, W., Palermo, R., Ortner, C., Krippl, M., Kret, M., Dickson, J., Li, C S R., & Lowe, L. (2020). A sensorimotor control framework for understanding emotional communication and regulation. Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews, 112, 503-518.
  70. Sato, W.*, Kochiyama, T.*, Uono, S., Sawada, R., & Yoshikawa, S.(* equal contributors) (2020). Amygdala activity related to perceived social support. Scientific Reports, 10, 2951.
  71. Kong, F., Heller, A.S., van Reekum, C.M., & Sato, W. (2020). Editorial: Positive neuroscience: the neuroscience of human flourishing. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 14, 47.



wataru.sato.ya [at] riken.jp
